Sunday 26 July 2020

Nick Mangwana's involvement in Hopewell Chin'ono's arrest

The abduction of Hopewell Chin'ono shows a cowardice and brutal regime, that does not want people to show that Mnangagwa leads a regime that is cruel, murderous and dictatorial, akin to those of Adi Amin Dada Oumee and Mobutu Sese Seko. 

The journalist at the heart of the story had been using his skills and intellect to try and simply put an end to corruption. 

The only way that the Mnangagwa regime could respond was to abduct him, without a warrant, after
Second Tweet
some time charge him, then refuse to give him bail. The plot obviously started many months ago, but to actually have the involvement of someone who used to be a UK registered nurse, shows how evil the ZANU PF Information Ministry really is. Some are now even advocating for the stripping on Nick Mangwanas UK Citizenship, as it seems he might have attained it through deception.  The petition has thus far managed to get over 50 000 (Fifty Thousand only) Signatures.  If it keeps growing to over 100 000 (One Hundred Thousand only) it will be considered for debate in the U.K. parliament.

The above tweet (Sent out after Hopewell Chin'ono's publicly (ZRP) declared arrest), clearly shows
First Tweet
someone (Nick Mangwana) who highly likely knew that the previous tweet that he had sent out, (in the very early hours of Monday Morning) had already been captured and deleting it could land him in trouble with the court of public opinion (Not for the first time).  This one above was an attempt by him (Nick Mangwana) to wash his hands of the whole sorry situation as his Ministry now has to try and deal with the reverberations that have come from the world over.

The tweet below however, was sent out before Mr Chin'ono was abducted without a warrant, before events transpired and seems to have been a hubristic hint at the likely intentions of the regime.
I pray that the suspected plans and schemes of the man called Nick Mangwana are not successful.  If the above is proved to be correct, what will happen? 

The Nick Mangwana fan club needs to know that their use of arrests, the courts, abductions and intimidation to mute the people who are fighting for a better Zimbabwe is only going to make the voice of the voiceless amplified.
When they start asking chat show hosts, journalists and citizens of foreign lands why they are meddling in Zimbabwean affairs, the answer is simple.  ZANU PF is heavily involved in the stealing their (foreigners) taxes and donations.  This means all those asking questions, including and especially those who are upset with ZANU PF have every right to get involved.

Sources:- The UK Independent and Nick Mangwana Twitter account.

Photos of the Tweets have been taken and are in safe keeping withing U.K. Law offices.  Other Law offices in Europe and USA will also be sent the photos of the tweets by Nick Mangwana.

By ZHRO Marketing

Please see the links below.

To find out more or to join ZHRO please do not hesitate to call
Phillip Mahlahla           07452828229
Ebson Chigwedere       07449235660
Kingstone Jambawo     07904861774
Thabo Makuyana          07944590970

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Events and Notices:
Next ZHRO London Vigil will be advised on the ZHRO WhatsApp platform by ZHRO Leadership.

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Wednesday Vigil Blog:-

by ZHRO Marketing

Monday 20 July 2020

Hopewell Chino’no Abducted.

The Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation (ZHRO), chat rooms have been alive today with the news that, popular and extremely loved Zimbabwean Journalist, Hopewell Chin’ono, has been abducted.  The abduction is said to have been carried out by State Security agents.  He was abducted from his home in Harare Zimbabwe, following credible allegations that the President and or his; children may have been involved in the looting of COVID-19 donations. 

The abduction occurred today, Monday 20th of July 2020.  He filmed part of the abduction from his cell phone and shared it, for the whole world to see that the regime of current the President and leader, of the Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (ZANU PF), Emmerson Mnangagwa is indeed much, much, much, worse for the people of Zimbabwe, than the one formerly described as despotic, the late Robert Gabriel Mugabe.

Robert Mugabe had ruled Zimbabwe for 38 years and Mnangagwa was seen as Mugabes right hand man.
 Abducted Hopewell Chin'ono

ZHRO is extremely dismayed to hear that the abduction of Journalists without a warrant, is still going on in Zimbabwe.  This is the same country where the current regime keeps touting around the world that, Zimbabwe is open for business.  At this rate they are showing that the landlocked country, is in fact, more open for abductions and torture.  One wonders which business man will be happy to take his money to Zimbabwe, after reading about such regular occurring abductions.  One also wonders which human rights sanctions will be removed from a country that is still engaging in the abduction of journalists that are not part of, or forming political organisations that might lead to the overthrow of the government.

The abduction of the brave journalist has been likely precipitated by his investigative journalism which led to the firing of the Minister of Health for being involved in the stealing of COVID-19 donations.  The donations were made by countries like, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (U.K.), the United States of America (USA) and the European Union (EU).  The credible allegations are that the theft leads all the way to the fruit of the Presidents loins.

Hopewell Chin’ono’s laywer, Beatrice Mtetwa who was also once abducted and tortured by the same ZANU PF state apparatus, knows all too well, exactly what the Mnangwgwa regime and its state and non state proxies may do to Hopwell Chin’ono.

The abduction of Hopwell Chin’ono is not too long after the abduction of the World’s Best Young Politician of the year, Zimbabwean, Movement for Democratic Change Alliance (MDC-A) MP Joana Mamombe.  She was abducted and tortured along with MDC Youth activists Cecilia Chimbiri and Netsai Marova, by the same regime that is said to be, evil, blood sucking and despotic.  The regime is known for, molesting and rapping and strongly rumoured to castrate and mutilate the genitalia of men and women.

Also abducted today is one of the men spearheading the Yellow Vest Zimbabwe demonstrations, which are planned for the 31st of July 2020, Jacob Ngarivhume.  There are credible rumours that the regime is also are hunting for Promise Mkwananzi with blood shot red eyes.  He seems thus far at the time of writing to have evaded the State security.

Source:- ZHRO Chat rooms

As suggested by one of the ZHRO Elders Orivasi Madondo, those without underlying health conditoins will be participating in the peacefull planned protest on 31 July 2020.  ZHRO will likely be meeting outside the Zimbabwe Embassy at 429 The Strand, London.  Orivasi Madondo was one of the participants in the famous ZHRO Chatham House protest.  Any changes will be anounced through the official ZHRO media and Channels in the ZHRO platforms.

The next Wednesday Vigil protest will be announced on ZHRO official platforms.  ZHRO would like to encourage all its members to keep in touch through social media.

Please see the links below.

To find out more or to join ZHRO please do not hesitate to call
Phillip Mahlahla           07452828229
Ebson Chigwedere      07449235660
Kingstone Jambawo    07904861774
Thabo Makuyana         07944590970

For the Latest Vigil Pictures check:

Events and Notices:
Next ZHRO London Vigil will be advised on the ZHRO WhatsApp platform by ZHRO Leadership.

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ZHRO Charity Blog:-

by ZHRO Marketing

Monday 13 July 2020

When the WICKED rule the people Groan

Provebs 29 v 2
Hopwell Chino'no usually provides some context. Here it’s as Literal can be and as timeless as the Bible.  There is no need to provide any context.  Even a Grade 7 can understand and explain what this means.  It’s so fitting, that the wicked will then see this post and then, like clockwork, history repeats itself again and again.

The wicked get angry for being called wicked.  They then become even more wicked.

The rule of the Pharaohs in the mighty Egyptian Empire is said to have been brought down by a Rebellion during the times of an extended period of drought. 

The same Pharaohs who made the people suffer and get scattered, were brought down after they had blamed the migrants from the land of Canan.

History repeats itself.

When the WICKED rule the people Groan

The next ZHRO, Wednesday Vigil, peacefull, planned, protest will be announced on ZHRO official platforms.  ZHRO encourages all its members to continue to keep in touch through social media.  Thus far ZHRO members will be joining the 31 July 2020, peacfull, planned, demonstartion, in solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe, who are suffering under the tyranical, regimne of Emmerson Mnangagwa and his ZANU PF, Proxies.  More details will be announced soon.  Please keep readig the ZHRO official platforms for more up to date information.   

Please see the links below.

To find out more or to join ZHRO please do not hesitate to call
Phillip Mahlahla           07452828229
Ebson Chigwedere      07449235660
Kingstone Jambawo    07904861774
Thabo Makuyana         07944590970

For the Latest Vigil Pictures check:

Events and Notices:
Next ZHRO London Vigil will be advised on the ZHRO WhatsApp platform by ZHRO Leadership.

Facebook pages:-

Twitter page:-

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Wednesday Vigil Blog:-

by ZHRO Marketing

Sunday 12 July 2020

Man accuses ZANU PF of Dabling in Evil Witchcraft

People in lockdown are resorting to sharing more clips and giving more of  their views on what they share, in a much more open way.  This is one of the clips that was shared by a ZHRO member.


This was shared on one of the ZHRO platforms by Zenzo Siziba, on the 12th of July 2020.

In this clip a man accuses ZANU PF of Dabling in Evil whichcraft, beacuse the police have been reduced to carrying their goods on the top of their heads.  He says, (very loose translation) "In this photo one can see that, that person has carried that load from Kachana, (Very Far indeed).  I'm, sorry if there is anyone who in ZANU PF in this group, but y'all ZANU PF folk are Evil.  Yall dable in some evil which craft to allow the country to deteriorate to the level, that even the police are struggling this much.  This is B*** S*** !!"

All the while he laughs, in a rather sarchastic way, that mocks the ZANU PF Party which is currently the Govenening Political party in Zimbabwe.  

Source:- Zenzo Siziba

The next ZHRO, Wednesday Vigil, peacefull, planned, protest will be announced on ZHRO official platforms.  ZHRO encourages all its members to continue to keep in touch through social media.  Thus far ZHRO members will be joining the 31 July 2020, peacfull, planned, demonstartion, in solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe, who are suffering under the tyranical, regimne of Emmerson Mnangagwa and his ZANU PF, Proxies.  More details will be announced soon.  Please keep readig the ZHRO official platforms for more up to date information.   

Please see the links below.

To find out more or to join ZHRO please do not hesitate to call
Phillip Mahlahla           07452828229
Ebson Chigwedere      07449235660
Kingstone Jambawo    07904861774
Thabo Makuyana         07944590970

For the Latest Vigil Pictures check:

Events and Notices:
Next ZHRO London Vigil will be advised on the ZHRO WhatsApp platform by ZHRO Leadership.

Facebook pages:-

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Wednesday Vigil Blog:-

by ZHRO Marketing

Humble Granny Explains why 31 July Needs to happen

In this Video clip we see a Humble Granny Explain why 31 July 2020 in Zimbabwe;

Needs to happen.

The same demonstration on 31 July 2020 has had the establishemnt condemn it, yet the junta establishment has aided and abeted in so much looting, the people who are actually encouraging the peacefull planned protests in Zimbabwe and in the Diaspora are Zimbabweans themselves.

The Junta is always trying to look for side shows and diversions, however this time, it is unfortunate that they are against the will of the people.  The sad irony is that, if the junta had not stolen the election, it would have been MDC-A which is led by Nelson Chamisa, that would have been trying to lead Zimbabwe through this COVID-19 world wide Pandemic.

Saddly, sometimes history repeats itsself.  What is not normal though, is the public condemnation, the the third President of Zimbabwe is currently facing, from the people who he likely claims, "Love him," whilst him and his Government can not even feed the people.  Then when the people decide to protest, as the old lady says, "They get killed."

31 July 2020 needs to happen.

The next ZHRO, Wednesday Vigil, peacefull, planned, protest will be announced on ZHRO official platforms.  ZHRO encourages all its members to continue to keep in touch through social media.  Thus far ZHRO members will be joining the 31 July 2020, peacfull, planned, demonstartion, in solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe, who are suffering under the tyranical, regimne of Emmerson Mnangagwa and his ZANU PF, Proxies.  More details will be announced soon.  Please keep readig the ZHRO official platforms for more up to date information. 

Please see the links below.

To find out more or to join ZHRO please do not hesitate to call
Phillip Mahlahla           07452828229
Ebson Chigwedere      07449235660
Kingstone Jambawo    07904861774
Thabo Makuyana         07944590970

For the Latest Vigil Pictures check:

Events and Notices:
Next ZHRO London Vigil will be advised on the ZHRO WhatsApp platform by ZHRO Leadership.

Facebook pages:-

Twitter page:-

YouTube page:-

Wednesday Vigil Blog:-

by ZHRO Marketing

Saturday 11 July 2020

On July 31st, Zimbabweans should speak from the heart

On the 31st of July, Zimbabweans will come out to demonstrate against Zanu PF and how this gang of cruel men and women has ruined their country almost to the point of no return. In this article, I want to urge people to make this demo very personal for themselves. The world will be watching, be a part of history. I am urging people to speak from the heart through various media at their disposal, be it posters or placards in the streets, or tweets, Facebook posts, text messages, WhatsApp messages, audio recordings, and much else. Let's make the world feel our cries and despair.

Between now and the 31st of July, I urge everyone who is taking part to take a moment and decide on the message they want to convey to the world with regards to the atrocities Zanu has been carrying out in our once lovely country.  The message has to be personal for it to be impactful. Say what’s in your heart. See how Zanu has failed you, see how they have cut off your potential. You had dreams when you were young to be 'somebody' when you grow up. By now you thought you would have a house of your own, a decent job or a business of your own, but now you can’t even have a decent meal, no water; electricity is touch and go and a headache can kill you because the health system has been so run down by Zanu theft and incompetence.

You see people of your age whose parents are Zanu officials driving around in plush cars bought by money that is stolen from your heritage as a Zimbabwean citizen. Look around you, see the damage Zanu has done to your loved ones. Your uncle who died from malaria because he could not afford to pay for the prescription, your aunt who died from diabetes because the family could not afford to pay for the insulin; your grandfather who had to be ferried to a local clinic at night by wheelbarrow only to find it closed because there is no money to run it – it’s been stolen by Zanu.  Look at the mothers with their hungry babies lying on street pavements 12 hours in the cold only to sell a handful of tomatoes.

Look at the dreams Zanu have shattered, university graduates selling airtime cards on street corners, young girls who are having to sell their bodies to men like the old men in Zanu and their rich friends. Look at the people fleeing Zimbabwe into South Africa, including mothers with babies on their back trying to sneak under razor wire. Many of these people will never see their relatives again, many will miss funerals of loved ones, some may even be unfortunate enough to be subjected to another wave of xenophobic machete attacks in South Africa. This is what Zanu has done to us.

Have this deep think, and then design your makeshift placard. Tell the world what you think about Zanu, Mnangagwa, Chiwenga and all the cruel people in this government. Tell the world what these people have done to you, to your family, to the neighbourhood you grew up in, and to your country. Tell the world you want all of them gone, all of them, from the president to wastes of space like that Matemadanda man who continues to embarrass us all whenever he opens his mouth.

On July 31, speak from the heart!!

Sindile Ncube

Wednesday 1 July 2020


Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation (ZHRO) has a representative, who is a Refugee and Asylum Seeker, Voices Network Ambassador.  The Voices Ambassador (as they are commonly known), will be attending the, “Lift the Ban” (on Asylum seekers working) coalition meeting.

A voices Ambassador speaks on behalf of Asylum seekers, Refugees and the undocumented migrants, especially when meeting Organisations that work with Asylum seekers, or determine the fate of asylum seekers, Refugees and the undocumented.

All conversations with the Voices Ambassador are in confidence.  Only the questions will be put forward, without the name of the person asking the question divulged, unless the person or persons, formally give consent, that they or their name or names can or may be made public

Previous meetings have had, special advisors, former Honorable UK MP’s, serving MP’s, representatives of the Home Office, and other organisations and think tanks from the left and right of UK policy making, politics and house hold companies.

When is the meeting?  Tomorrow, Thursday 02 July 2020

Please may you kindly forward any concerns or questions etc, that you might have, so they may be brought up in the Meeting by your (ZHRO) Voices Ambassador representative.

Please contact ZHRO Marketing for more information, or to find out who your Voices Ambassador is.

What is the Voices Network?

The video below shows a little bit of what the Voices Network is about.

The next ZHRO Wednesday, peaceful, planned, Vigil protest, will be announced on ZHRO official platforms.  ZHRO would like to encourage all its members to keep in touch through social media.

Please see the links below.

To find out more or to join ZHRO please do not hesitate to call
Phillip Mahlahla           07452828229
Ebson Chigwedere       07449235660
Kingstone Jambawo     07904861774
Thabo Makuyana         07944590970

For the Latest Vigil Pictures check:

Events and Notices:
Next ZHRO London Vigil will be advised on the ZHRO WhatsApp platform by ZHRO Leadership.

Facebook pages:-

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Wednesday Vigil Blog:-

by ZHRO Marketing

ZHRO Successfully Protests the planned return of Green Bombers

Members of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation (ZHRO) met on Wednesday 15th September 2021 at the Zimbabwe Embassy in London to protest t...