The job of the rented crowd was to do the bidding for their pay masters (It’s a shame for ZANU PF, as some of the hired crowd are likely descendants of Slaves and ZANU PF, clearly don’t care how they manipulate and use them), ZANU PF et al. Their job was to lobby for the thieves, the abductors, the whole sale looters, the ones that have managed to bring over 14 million people to their knees through pure corruption and wanton greed. Their job was to help those who consider themselves as said by George Orwel, “more equal, than others.”

The two sisters bravely walked all the way to Guildford Train Station. This is around the time when another protest against the Junta in Zimbabwe was taking place at the Zimbabwe Embassy. It seems, this was also the time the current First Lady, with the help of the Zimbabwean Herald and Chronicle, appear to have sensationally cooked up a story about getting an award from Harvard University and seeming to quote Dr Professor Wilfred Ngwa.
At around 10:30pm and completely dark, the two sisters walked into Guildford train station. They were visibly tired and Rashiwe Bayisayi had a limp. “will you be able to complete the walk? With a real tone of concern John Burke asked. “I will try and walk through the pain and take it easy.” Replied Rashiwe Bayisayi. It was at this point the Sarah Bayisayi decided she could not continue. “I have done over 30km without training,” she said. After a short break and further help from Chipo Parirenyatwa, Rashiwe Bayisayi got on with the night time walk.

“The pain I am feeling (in her knee) is more or less the pain that people in Zimbabwe are suffering…. I said, we will never stop doing this walk, as it is walk for freedom, until Zimbabwe is free. Now Zimbabwe is not free, so we continue to endure the pain.”
Tinashe Aliseni then added saying, “The night walk was a bit more painful, but its like she said, until, Zimbabwe is free, we keep doing it (The Walk for Freedom). Planning for next year (Vision 2020 - Walk for Freedom) has already started. Medals were handed to the participants for taking part. It was suggested that a special shield should be created for Rashiwe as this was her THIRD consective completion of the 105 km Walk for Freedom.

- Since the walk, Doctor Peter Magombeyi, through the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, the huge public out cry and the constant pressure on ZANU PF, was finally released from police custody and from the clutches of the police in the Avenues Hospital. Credible reports are that, the police had effectively, blocked him in the hospital and prevented him from leaving. He has finally been allowed to leave Zimbabwe, as he is in need of medical treatment following his apparent torture, by the proxies of ZANU PF.
- It has also been noted by most and conveniently ignored by the ZANU PF media spinners, that at the United Nations, whilst the Current President of Zimbabwe was giving his speech, the hall was virtually empty. It was as if he was addressing furniture, as the attendance was extremely low, when compared to attendance for speeches by other world leaders.
- It has also been revealed that the link below is apparently tied to the story about Auxilia Mnangagwa and it strangely uses a .org website. This is instead of a .edu website, which seems to be used by Harvard University for all its sites. It seems, someone or some organisation has issued a statement, denying what the herald and the chronicle printed (I wonder who?). So much could be said about this site, however without further investigation, this could be skirting extremely close to the current Libel laws.
By Thabo Makuyana