Sunday 23 February 2020

ZHRO Wednesday Vigil 19 February 2020.

ZHRO Wednesday Vigil 19 February 2020.
ZHRO 19 Feb 2020 Photo by Phillip Mahlahla

Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation (ZHRO) members, met on the 19th of February 2020, at 429 The Strand, London, United Kingdom (UK).  They met for a pre-planned, peaceful vigil protest in solidarity with long suffering Zimbabweans all over the world. They were united firstly against, the continued lack of Economic and Cultural Rights and secondly, the perpetual Committing of Human Rights Abuses by ZANU PF and its proxies against the people of Zimbabwe.  Towards the end of the vigil, there was some agitation and intimidation by one who seemed to be a dunce Ignoramus interloper, that most assumed to be a Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) of Zimbabwe operative gathering evidence.

The vigil started with small talk.  Those gathered then sung Zimbabwean church songs be-fitting the vigil.  After the Church songs, the Prayer was said this week by Stella Mandiranga.
 Listen to the prayer above.

They then went on to sing the usual protest songs, that are anti ZANU PF.  As it was raining and dreich, the Vigil was held, well within the confines of the tent.  Some of the vigil attendees were also well aware that the 20th of February was going to be World Social Justice Day.  The lack of any Social Justice in Zimbabwe turned the mood somber.

This week as in weeks prior, Zimbabweans were indeed blighted by the blood stained hands of the Satanic ZANU PF and their cruel and evil, proxies.  Below are just some of the events that are extremely concerning in Zimbabwe.

On the 5th of February, reports surfaced that MDC member and Human Rights Activist, Makomborero Haruzivishe was unfortunately in the crosshairs of the idiotic Junta regime.  On the 7th of February he had been released on bail, but not acquitted, thus the continued state sponsored, institutionalised persecution of MDC members clearly just one of the reasons why ZHRO meet weekly for the Vigil.

Reports arrived that on the 17 February 2020 The brave teacher from Njube in Bulawayo, who taught his students their constitutional rights by practically exercising their freedom of Expression, seemingly reached out whilst on the run.  Unfortunately he had to flee just after the end of the demonstration due to the sever Suppression of the right to freedom of expression by the Junta in Zimbabwe. He spoke out from Namibia, whilst on the run from Zimbabwean security authorities. 

On the same day, Fadzai Mahere, Human Rights lawyer and MDC Executive sent out a tweet saying, "we will overthrow Mnangagwa before 2023."  This is definitely going to enrage the Junta who have skin that seems to be thinner than air and do not understand what the right to freedom of expression is right and not a privilege.  Hence their curtailing of this right is one of the things that is leading to them being on the ZIDERA sanctions list.

Reports were also made on the 17 of February 2020 that Masvingo MDC residents were arrested after skirmishes at Sikhalas trial.  All of those arrested are MDC members. The reports were made by and Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights.

On the 18th of February 2020, extremely concerning reports surfaced that suspected Mashurugwi (Machete wielding (paramilitary) gangs ) threatened Hospital Staff in Kwekwe.

On the following day on Wednesday 19 February 2020 MDC Youths in Zimbabwe announced that they are starting the Revolution, with the clear intention of bringing down ZANU PF and Emerson Mnangagwa.  

In other News 

On the 20th February 2020, the theme of rebellion continued with Allan Wilson boys and some female Teachers Arrested.  This was reported by the, Human Rights Lawyers Statement On The Arrest Of School Children, Mutoko Women & Haruzivishe

The week ended with a message from Job Wiwa Sikhala where he revealed that he is in trouble with Zimbabwe State Intelligence.  He advised that his life is in danger as they are following him.

A seemingly dunce ignoramus, apparent CIO operative, who interloped on the ZHRO vigil, will need to watch himself as he is very far away from home whilst he is in the UK.  The UK is one of the most surveilled countries in the world. ZHRO has thus, used his seemingly Inebriated Exuberance, to more than make him infamous for eternity as he was recorded, trying to intimidate people holding a peaceful protest. 

A huge thank you to Phillip Mahlahla, John Burke and Alfredy Mukuvare who arrived early to help to set up.  Many thanks to Phillip Mahlahla who played the drums, Thabo Makuyana and Collen Mupazviriho who tried to play the drums.  Thank you to Marlene Mtandagai and Molly Ngavaimbe who led most of the singing and to Phillip Mahlahla for taking the photos.  Thank you to John Burke who drove all the way from the South of England with the drums, tent and banners that also help to make the atmosphere during the peaceful vigil protest and on that day, kept us all dry.  A huge thank you also goes to all who attended as without you, the vigil would not be the same.

To find out more or to join ZHRO please do not hesitate to call

Phillip Mahlahla           074 5282 8229
Ebson Chigwedere       074 4923 5660
Kingstone Jambawo     079 0486 1774
Thabo Makuyana         079 4459 0970

For the Latest Vigil Pictures check:

Events and Notices
Next ZHRO London Vigil will be on Wednesday 26th February starting 11am at 429 the Strand London WC2R 0JR.

Wednesday Vigil Blog
By Thabo Makuyana

Sunday 9 February 2020

ZHRO 5 February 2020

ZHRO Vigil 5 February 2020

Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation (ZHRO) members, met on
ZHRO Vigil 5 February photo by Pillip J Mahlahla
the 5th of February 2020, at 429 The Strand London, England, near Charing Cross Tube and mainline train station.  They met for a pre-planned peaceful vigil protest against, firstly the continued Abridgement of Human Rights and secondly the Committing of Human Rights Abuses by ZANU PF and its proxies against the people of Zimbabwe.

The vigil started with small talk.  Those gathered then started singing Zimbabwean church songs befitting the vigil as usual.  They then went on to sing the usual protest songs, that are anti ZANU PF and this raised the curiosity of passers by.  Some worked out immediately why the vigil was there and others needed a little explanation. The vigil attendees had initially only planned to turn up in support of freedom of expression only, however the reasons for protesting soon included concerns in relation to the health sector and the likely re-deployment of the army within Zimbabwe.

The week started on Monday the 3rd of February, with the Treason (Freedom of Expression) trial of Honorable Job Wiwa Sikhala (Wiwa), firebrand Member of Zimbabwe Parliament (MP), Human Rights Lawyer and Vice Chairman of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).  This sham of a trial, that had previously been postponed by ZANU PF's prosecution was well attended by Supporters of the MP and MDC parliamentarian. The trial was viewed as being of great importance to Zimbabweans, as at the moment, it seems to be making the executive omnipotent.  

Nehanda Radio reported that there were soldiers toyi-toying outside the court.  This was concerning as it might be seen as the state possibly trying to intimidate those involved in the trial of Wiwa.

The defense team representing Honourable Wiwa, led by Ms Beatrice Mtetwa made an application for exception arguing that according to the constitution the accused’s utterances did not constitute a crime.  The trial was postponed and the decision is scheduled for the 14th of Feb 2020. Honorable Wiwa sent an open letter of thanks on Wed 5 Feb 2020 which was noticed and welcomed by ZHRO members.

With Tuesday the 4th of February 2020 being World Cancer day, the first lady of Zimbabwe worked, "very hard," and took a (a) photo opportunity as reported by pro Junta and Regime media the Herald.  She did this whilst Nurses in the country run by her Bea are looking for help from exiled entrepreneur Strive Masiiwa. (b) Strive Masiiwa earlier helped Doctors return to work by extending his philanthropic deeds and now has the whole nation waiting to see if he will be able to help the Nurses too.

In the mean time, Law makers had Doctors wailing their eyes out, as they gave crucial evidence in the Zimbabwe Parliament, of highly likely alleged ZANU PF putting their noses in the troughs (As said by MDC North America Representative on Facebook Live) and Stealing USD$3.5 million from Hospitals.

One can only wonder what type of Satanists would do such a think, in a country that is full of people who on the whole are good natured and well meaning, but seem to have been taken from the frying pan and into the fire. 

All was put into perspective by Hopwell Chin'ono who reported that the Prime Minister of Ethiopia drove himself around with the President of South Africa in the passenger seat, whilst the President of Zimbabwe, used a Helicopter to go and carry out a clean up campaign.  The costs involved, the pollution caused, the confidence portrayed and the messages put out in the pictures, surely do speak more than a thousand words.

The week ended with reports that the Zimbabwe panicky Military chiefs had deployed all over the country.  These reports were refuted by the military, but as the saying goes, "there is no smoke without fire."

The Treason (freedom of expression), trial of MP Wiwa will reopen on the 14th of February 2020.  ZHRO is hoping for the best, however the reality of the situation is not minimised in any way by the date.

A huge thank you to Phillip Mahlahla, John Burke and Tapiwa Muskwe who arrived early to help to set up.  Many thanks to Mary Muteyerwa who played the drums and led the singing at the same time and to Phillip Mahlahla for taking the photos.  Thank you to Molly Ngavaimbe and Nehemiah Musonza who sung loud and proud and contributed in the creation of a great atmosphere. Thank you to John Burke who drove all the way from the South of England with the drums, tent and banners that also help to make the atmosphere during the peaceful vigil protest.  A huge thank you also goes to all who attended as without you, the vigil would not be the same.

To find out more or to join ZHRO please do not hesitate to call

Phillip Mahlahla           074 5282 8229
Ebson Chigwedere       074 4923 5660
Kingstone Jambawo     079 0486 1774
Thabo Makuyana         079 4459 0970

Those who attended as per the register were, Priscilla Machaya, Thabo Makuyana, Phillip J. Mahlahla, Molly Ngavaimbe, Tapiwa Muskwe, Mary Muteyerwa, Benjamin Chigamba, John Burke, Nehemiah Musonza, Junior Madzimure.

For the Latest Vigil Pictures check:

Events and Notices
Next ZHRO London Vigil will be on Wednesday 12th February starting 11am at 429 the Strand London WC2R 0JR.

Wednesday Vigil Blog

Source Thabo Makuyana
Edited by ZHRO Marketing

ZHRO Wednesday Vigil 29 January 2020

ZHRO Wednesday Vigil 29 January 2020
ZHRO Wed Vigil 29 Jan 2020, photo by P. J. Mahlahla
Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation (ZHRO), met on the 29th of January 2020, at 429 the Strand for a pre-planned peaceful protest against the continuing deprivation of Human Rights and the committing of Rights abuses by the Zimbabwean Junta Government, against the people of Zimbabwe.

Following reports earlier in the week, of children protesting in Bulawayo to defend their right to education.  ZHRO was indeed in support of the students from Njube High School in Bulawayo, which is near the stadium where Grace Mugabe was booed, and has been known as a catalytic area, in the context of anti Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (ZANU PF) sentiment.  The brave students made their voices heard and their message was clear. Education is a basic right and not a privilege.  

Unconfirmed and unverified reports have been shared on Zimbabwe focused Whatsapp and Facebook groups that the intelligence and military intelligence services from Zimbabwe, which are controlled by and are known proxies of ZANU PF are looking for the teacher.  Due to the sensitivity behind the security of the teacher, ZHRO will not comment on his possible whereabouts.
It has also been reported that Zimbabweans are being forced to trek to unsafe wells as the traps run dry.  Drought hit Zimbabwe is at real risk of facing both a food and water crisis. City Authorities in Bulawayo have closed the water supplies for 96 hours a week to cope with a sharp fall in the reservoir levels caused by the countries worst drought in years.  Unfortunately this is exacerbated by the kleptomaniacs in the Junta ZANU PF who have looted the funds that were meant to be used to maintain and improve the water situation in the whole of Zimbabwe.
The irony of this is that, Zimbabwe has always had droughts.  Zimbabwe also used to be the breadbasket of Africa. It was only when the failed, inhumane, partisan, illegal land redistribution was implemented from the year 2000 and is still taking place in parts today, has Zimbabwe's land been barren of food, vegetation and water.  The teachings, lessons and symbiotic relationships that the people had with the land, have unfortunately been broken for the sake of ploys and political expediency.

Other News

The bungling, uselessness and cruelty of ZANU PF, whose leadership live the highlife, touring the world in first class, business class, or in private jets has once again come to the attention of the international media.  ZANU PF has been urged to get serious and prioritise children as record man made poverty has caused acute food shortages in Zimbabwe.

Hilal Elver, the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, warned that Zimbabwe was on the verge of manmade starvation, adding that children would be the most affected as guardians fail to provide a balanced diet.  She said the drought had also affected children’s health, with nearly 90% of Zimbabwean infants experiencing malnutrition and stunted growth.
These are just some of the issues that are affecting the people of
ZHRO 29 Feb 2020, photo by Ebson Chigwedere
Zimbabwe.  The ZHRO members that meet weekly, feel that they have the superior moral high ground and as such are emboldened in their hearts, minds and souls to continue protesting for the Human Rights of Zimbabweans. The Vigil continues to be a place to meet, make our voices heard and show the world that Zimbabweans especially in Zimbabwe are still suffering gross human rights abuses.

Thanks to Ebson Chigwedere who managed to play the drums and shared in the leading of some of the songs with Elector Zvorwadza.  Thanks to Tapiwa Muskwe who arrived early, for helping to set up the tent, table and the banners for the vigil, along with John Burke and Phillip Mahlahla. Thank you to Philip Mahlahla for taking the photos and a big thank you too, to John Burke who drove all the way from the South of England with the drums, tent and banners that help to make the atmosphere during the peaceful vigil protest.

To find out more or to join ZHRO please do not hesitate to call
Phillip Mahlahla             074 5282 8229
Ebson Chigwedere       074 4923 5660
Kingstone Jambawo    079 0486 1774
Thabo Makuyana          079 4459 0970

Those who attended the vigil were, Ebson Chigwedere, Philip J. Mahlahla, John Burke, Tapiwa Muskwe, Tryness Ncube, Plaxidia Mugonde and Elector Zvorwadza.

For the Latest Vigil Pictures check:

Events and Notices

The next ZHRO London Vigil will be on Wednesday starting at, 11am at 429 the Strand, London, WC2R 0JR.

Wednesday Vigil Blog:-

Phillip Mahlahla
Edited by ZHRO Media and Marketing team

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Freedom of Expression, ZHRO Rallies for Wiwa

Job Wiwa Sikhala, Freedom of Speech is our freedom of speech.
Freedom of Expression and the Born Free.
Rise of the Born Free

On this occasion Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation (ZHRO), is rallying its galant members in support of the charismatic Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) MP Job Wiwa Sikhala's Freedom of Expression trial and the phenomenal

R I S E   of  T H E   B O R N   F R E E.

We as (ZHRO) are calling on all Zimbabweans to make their voices heard by supporting in numbers our right to freedom of expression, even if we are insulting the President (or threatening to overthrow him) as he or she is not God.  ZHRO will be protesting as usual on Wednesday 5th February 2020 at the Zimbabwe Embassy London, from 11am till 3pm.

On reflection in the last 4 weeks Zimbabwe has had brave students from Njube, mere children, showing that they have hearts like that of David who slain Goliath, by taking to the streets and making their voices heard, against the current and ongoing denial of their Fundamental Human Rights to Education by the ZANU PF regime.  Singing revolutionary songs that chime both in the diaspora and in Zimbabwe alike.  The children sung in defiance of the military Junta and put their lives on the line.

Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) students demonstrated outside the offices of the Ministry of Tertiary and Higher Education in Harare, over the exorbitantly high priced fees being charged in Universities.  Singing songs such as Ndine Chido Chekusunungura Zimbabwe (I have the will to Liberate Zimbabwe) and other new era born free (born after 18 April 1980) liberation songs, they made noise and their message was as clear as day.  The fee increases that have lead to them and others not attending school, are not at all wanted as this is the killer of dreams.  This was likely in solidarity with the earlier strike of the Njube High School students.

Now, Job Wiwa Sikhala is on trial in Masvingo on treason charges.  Whilst he was live on Zimeye he called for the support of the MDC and Civic Organisations at home and abroad.  ZHRO and its members are well known the world over especially in the Zimbabwean community, for being radical in their pursuit of Human Rights for all, by using Peaceful Civil Disobedience and especially hate the selective application of the law, the human rights abuses and the brutality of Mnangagwa, his ZANU PF Junta and it's proxies.

ZHRO supports the fundamental human rights of all Zimbabweans, especially the rights of the young as they are the future.  We at ZHRO see this trial of Honourable Job Wiwa Sikhala of the MDC as the continued legal abuse of Zimbabweans by the Executive branch who seem to have captured the Judiciary and Justice System within Zimbabwe.  As such without the clear separation of powers, Zimbabweans are not free and ZHRO will stand for this.

We also see the current situation of students not being able to have their Fundamental Right to education as a huge abridgement of their rights and the PLANNED DEVASTATION of a whole GENERATION of Zimbabweans.  As such we are supporting the students too.

As such, ZHRO will be vigorously protesting for the freedom of expression of all and the right to education for all, in Zimbabwe and the world over, as it is said, "charity begins at home."

To support Job Wiwa Sikhala and the rise of the born free, we are calling on all Zimbabweans to make their voices heard by supporting in numbers the peaceful planned protest on Wednesday 5th of February 2020.

By Thabo Makuyana

ZHRO Successfully Protests the planned return of Green Bombers

Members of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation (ZHRO) met on Wednesday 15th September 2021 at the Zimbabwe Embassy in London to protest t...