ZHRO Vigil 11 March 2020
Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation (ZHRO) members, met on
ZHRO Vigil, @ 429 The Strand, By Phillip Malhalha |
Wednesday 11th of March 2020. They met for another pre-planned weekly Vigil demonstration outside the Embassy of Zimbabwe, at 429 the Strand London England.
The ZHRO members this week, where especially demonstrating against the lack of human rights in Zimbabwe, highlighted by the disappearance and highly suspected State abduction of Itai Dzamara, 5 years ago in March of 2015. The public secret is that
ZHRO Vigil, @ 429 The Strand, By Phillip Malhalha |
he was abducted at the behest of the Executive branch.
The disappearance of Itai Dzamara is made even more concerning by the fact that Zimbabwe has not signed the covenants against abductions, forced or enforced disappearances and summary executions. Thus, the likelihood of his captures' being brought to book, in the current Zimbabwean political climate is slim to none.
This year it all started this week with a tweet by the prominent and brave Woman, MDC Executive member and Ardent Human Rights Lawyer, Fadzai Mahere on the 9th of March 2020. She directed her tweet at Emerson Mnangagwa. She asked where he (Itai Dzamara) was.
At first it seemed as if the well spoken and well poised Jurists' tweet was going to be well heeded by the Executive Branch as it was aptly ended with a non threatening Emoji. The response she got from ZANU PF's male dominated, Testosterone filled Information Department was uncouthness personified.
On the same day, The EU representative to Zimbabwe tweeted, asking about Itai Dzamara. This tweet and other events, seemed to only add fuel to the fire. As you will no doubt see below, ZANU PF's command Journalism, on the 10th of March 2020 seems to have landed them in even more trouble than they bargained for on the 11th and 12th of March 2020.
On the same day, the most poignant act of the week was the letter to Mnangagwa by the wife of, Itai Dzamara, Mrs Shefra Dzamara. Mrs Dzamara said among other things,
"the matter cannot go unaccounted for just like that."
She humbly implored Mnangagwa to intervene and this was well published given the sensitivity of the issues involved and the fact that as she said, "Itai has children who are growing older every day, without their Father."
On the same day, a letter to the Editor was received by Zimeye where it was reported that Lovemore Maiko, a senior MDC member, Chitungwiza Mayor, MDC Harare Province Youth Secretary for Policy and Research and Wendy Makaza Harare Province Youth Secretary for Projects were arrested after a meeting with Nelson Chamisa the leader of the opposition at Morgan Tsvangirai house.
This is clear evidence of the continued breach of freedom of Expression and persecution of opposition supporters members by the Junta regime.
10 March 2020
Early, on the day before the Vigil, ZANU PF brought a response to Mahere and the EU representative to Zimbabwe, asking about Dzamara, using the Zimbabwe Herald, which is the State owned tissue paper ( News Paper). As reported above the response was tert and uncouth. It was a barrage of offensive Vitriol, that seemed to come from a Woman, in the Women's month, towards especially the EU and USA's representatives in Zimbabwe.
One region partly headed by Women and with the most female Heads of State per capita anywhere in the world. The Later, a Country that is the Home of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly and the Nation that does so much for Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans in so many ways to mention in this short blog. Talk about being spoilt, ungrateful, entitled and rude to your guests. Anyway what more would one expect from ZANU PF trolls?
Why this apparent Madam, Lady, Woman of ZANU PF decided to insult the Representative to the USA, this time before he had got involved, has to be questioned. It likely led to a response from his home.
The response on the 11th of March 2020 on the day of the Vigil, from Uncle Sam was in the form of Fresh, Brand Spanking New Sanctions for two individuals from the ZANU PF Junta Regime. You see, what happens when you bully the mighty USA?
The heading on the Government Website was,
"Treasury Sanctions Two Individuals for Human Rights Abuse in Zimbabwe"
The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today designated Anselem Sanyatwe (Sanyatwe) and Owen Ncube (Ncube) for their involvement in human rights abuses including directing an attack on peaceful demonstrators and political opponents in Zimbabwe. "
As if the above was not enough for the Junta Regime who were spitting teeth on social media, two prominent USA Senators, Jim Risch (R-Idaho), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Chris Coons (D-Del.), went even further and made it as clear as day, that POTUS in their view, must add more names to the Sanctions list. In my humble view as the writer of this blog, I say, quite rightly so.
On the day after the Vigil, 11 March 2020 the Junta Mnangagwa govt said they were going to punish fake news peddlers? Amongst other things, they wrote,
"Government intends to expedite the passing of laws that deal with people who peddle false news on social media in light of the increase in fake posts concerning the country by some unruly elements, information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Mr Nick Mangwana has said."
This, when one looks closer at the modus operandi of ZANU PF and its proxies, this likely means the new law could be used to deal with those that don't believe or Subscribe to the Junta Regime and ZANU PF's ideological Mugabeism way of thinking.
Thus with the above, the continued breaches in people's freedom of Expression will not only continue, it will be highly likely thrive and be exacerbated by this time next year as Zimbabwe moves closer to 2023 and the ZANU PF Junta, breaks its evil claws whilst clinging to power.
Unfortunately, the week ended with the unfortunate fact that on Friday the 13th of March 2020, 12 MDC activists were denied bail. This is despite the fact that even the Government's own newspaper reported that the police did not see them doing anything wrong. This shows clearly that the Justice System in Zimbabwe has been captured.
Implicitly and Explicitly, the systematic unjustified incarceration of MDC members, activists and Members of Zimbabwe Parliament shows that, ZANU PF and its proxies, likely do not want other people to exist, for as long as they are in opposition to ZANU PF, especially if they are in Zimbabwe. So, sanctions on them (ZANU PF) is just a start.
A huge thank you to Phillip Mahlahla, Ebson Chigwedere and Benjamin Chigamba, who arrived early to help to set up. Many thanks to Ebson Chigwedere who played the drums. Thank you to Reuben Waretsa and Stella Mandiranga who led the singing for this Vigil. Thank you to A huge thank you too, to John Burke who drove all the way from the South of England with the drums, tent and banners that also helped to make the atmosphere during the peaceful vigil protest and on that day, kept us all dry. A huge thank you also goes to all who attended as without you, the vigil would not be the same.
To find out more or to join ZHRO please do not hesitate to call
Phillip Mahlahla 074 5282 8229
Ebson Chigwedere 074 4923 5660
Kingstone Jambawo 079 0486 1774
Thabo Makuyana 079 4459 0970
Those as per the register those who attended were, Phillip J Mahlahla, Benjamin Chigamba, Ebson Chigwedere, Bigboy Sibanda, Stella Mandiranga, Orivasi Madondo, Reuben Waretsa, and Tryness Ncube. John Berke attended but did not sign the register.
Events and Notices:
Next ZHRO London Vigil will be adivesd on the ZHRO WhatsApp platform by ZHRO Leadership.
Source:- Ebson Chigwedere, Phillip J. Mahlahla and John Burke,
Edited by ZHRO Marketing