Tuesday 4 February 2020

Freedom of Expression, ZHRO Rallies for Wiwa

Job Wiwa Sikhala, Freedom of Speech is our freedom of speech.
Freedom of Expression and the Born Free.
Rise of the Born Free

On this occasion Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation (ZHRO), is rallying its galant members in support of the charismatic Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) MP Job Wiwa Sikhala's Freedom of Expression trial and the phenomenal

R I S E   of  T H E   B O R N   F R E E.

We as (ZHRO) are calling on all Zimbabweans to make their voices heard by supporting in numbers our right to freedom of expression, even if we are insulting the President (or threatening to overthrow him) as he or she is not God.  ZHRO will be protesting as usual on Wednesday 5th February 2020 at the Zimbabwe Embassy London, from 11am till 3pm.

On reflection in the last 4 weeks Zimbabwe has had brave students from Njube, mere children, showing that they have hearts like that of David who slain Goliath, by taking to the streets and making their voices heard, against the current and ongoing denial of their Fundamental Human Rights to Education by the ZANU PF regime.  Singing revolutionary songs that chime both in the diaspora and in Zimbabwe alike.  The children sung in defiance of the military Junta and put their lives on the line.

Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) students demonstrated outside the offices of the Ministry of Tertiary and Higher Education in Harare, over the exorbitantly high priced fees being charged in Universities.  Singing songs such as Ndine Chido Chekusunungura Zimbabwe (I have the will to Liberate Zimbabwe) and other new era born free (born after 18 April 1980) liberation songs, they made noise and their message was as clear as day.  The fee increases that have lead to them and others not attending school, are not at all wanted as this is the killer of dreams.  This was likely in solidarity with the earlier strike of the Njube High School students.

Now, Job Wiwa Sikhala is on trial in Masvingo on treason charges.  Whilst he was live on Zimeye he called for the support of the MDC and Civic Organisations at home and abroad.  ZHRO and its members are well known the world over especially in the Zimbabwean community, for being radical in their pursuit of Human Rights for all, by using Peaceful Civil Disobedience and especially hate the selective application of the law, the human rights abuses and the brutality of Mnangagwa, his ZANU PF Junta and it's proxies.

ZHRO supports the fundamental human rights of all Zimbabweans, especially the rights of the young as they are the future.  We at ZHRO see this trial of Honourable Job Wiwa Sikhala of the MDC as the continued legal abuse of Zimbabweans by the Executive branch who seem to have captured the Judiciary and Justice System within Zimbabwe.  As such without the clear separation of powers, Zimbabweans are not free and ZHRO will stand for this.

We also see the current situation of students not being able to have their Fundamental Right to education as a huge abridgement of their rights and the PLANNED DEVASTATION of a whole GENERATION of Zimbabweans.  As such we are supporting the students too.

As such, ZHRO will be vigorously protesting for the freedom of expression of all and the right to education for all, in Zimbabwe and the world over, as it is said, "charity begins at home."

To support Job Wiwa Sikhala and the rise of the born free, we are calling on all Zimbabweans to make their voices heard by supporting in numbers the peaceful planned protest on Wednesday 5th of February 2020.

By Thabo Makuyana


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