Tuesday, 24 December 2019

ZHRO Wednesday Vigil 18 December 2019

Not so Merry Christmas

ZHRO Wednesday Vigil 18 December 2019

ZHRO (Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation) members met on Wednesday 18th December 2019 at the Zimbabwe Embassy in London at 429 The Strand.  It was this year's last weekly pre planned vigil protest against the continuing Human Rights abuses and the daily deprivation of Human Rights in Zimbabwe.
18/12/2010, ZHRO Vigil.  Photo by Phillip Mahlahla

The start was rather sombre, as the thoughts of most gathered were leaning heavily towards events in Zimbabwe.  The thoughts included, Thabo Mbeki visiting (without bearing gifts) at the behest of ZANU PF leader, E. D. Mnangagwa, the lack of a Merry Christmass for most Zimbabweans as they have been impoverished and their continued suffering at the hands of the brutal ZANU PF dictatorship.

Popular opinion in Zimbabwe, on social media and among those gathered at the ZHRO Vigil on this cold and windy winters day, was that Mbeki was likely trying to re-establish a GNU (Government of National Unity).  The consensus was that, there is likely a strong link between his Mbeki's prior (GNU) Panacea and Zimbabwe's current well published Economic, Political, Human Rights, Health Care and Food crisis'.

Further, the MDC (Movement for Democratic Change), finally managed to hold a National Council meeting in Bulawayo over the weekend and there, MDC members made it abundantly clear that they do not want to go into a GNU, or to join POLAD.  Instead the MDC leader Advocate Nelson Chamisa will likely be involved in a National all inclusive Dialogue.  The MDC National Council meeting was held despite the police in Bulawayo previously blocking it, just as they have been blocking numerous other MDC meetings and Rallies.

To see Police Block MDC again click here


Fortune Daniel Molokele, National Spokesperson for the MDC said, "MDC wants transitional mechanisms, a National all Inclusive Dialogue and a National Transitional Authority to be agreed by all stakeholders at the National All Inclusive Dialogue, not POLAD." 

To hear MDC, say NO to POLAD, click here


To the outside and international community, it is likely seen as though Thabo Mbeki getting involved is good for Zimbabwe.  The unfortunate consequence though, for those who are on the ground is that, if power had been moved into the hands of the MDC instead of the resulting GNU, the chances of true reforms being implemented in Zimbabwean politics, since 2008 would have been greater without the GNU.  Unfortunately, what people are seeing now is a President making himself all powerful, unaccountable, omnipotent with unchecked, powers beyond the likes of Idi Amin.

Thabo Mbeki trying to fix Zimbabwe?


Zimbabwe Cabinet approves constitutional amendments

Other News

Mary Chiwenga (Wife of Zimbabwe's Vice President) was arrested and has been remanded in custody likely until after Christmas.

ZHRO members refused to comment on the record.


Thanks to Ebson Chigwedere who played the drums, they are an integral part of the Vigil.  Rangarirai Chivaviro and who helped set up the banners and stalls.  Phillip Mahlahla who took most of the photos, Sibongile Bvungidzire and Orivasi Madondo for handing out flyers, Tryness Ncube for looking after the front table, Nehemiah Musonza, Alfredy Mukuvare and John Burke for their wise words during the Vigil, in between songs.  Thank you too, to Sarah Bayisayi who led most of the singing and drove all the way from the South of England together with John Burke with the drums and other equipment for the Vigil.  All who attended are also thanked very much for coming on such a cold and windy day.

To find out more or to join ZHRO please do not hesitate to call
  • Phillip Mahlahla           074 5282 8229
  • Ebson Chigwedere       074 4923 5660
  • Kingstone Jambawo     079 0486 1774
  • Thabo Makuyana          079 4459 0970
Those who attended as per the register were, Phillip J Mahlahla, Sibongile Bvungidzire, Stella Mandiranga, Rangarirai Chivaviro, Tryness Ncube, Thabo Makuyana, Orivasi Madondo, Alfredy Mukuvare, Nehemiah Musonza, Ebson Chigwedere.  Sarah Bayisayi was there, but did not sign the register.

For the Latest Vigil Pictures check:


Events and Notices

Next ZHRO London Vigil will be on the 8th of January 2020, starting 11am at 429 the Strand London WC2R 0JR.

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By ZHRO Team

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

ZHRO Wednesday Vigil 11 December 2018

Rovai Madhemo Rovai
ZHRO Vigil 11th Dec 2019 by Rashiwe Bayisayi

ZHRO (Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation) members, met on the 11th of December 2019 to protest against firstly, the ongoing human rights abuses and secondly, the ongoing lack of provision of basic human rights in Zimbabwe. 
They made plenty of noise outside the Zimbabwe Embassy in London at 429 The Strand and resolved that, Zimbabweans need to become more radical. Zimbabweans all over need to act and act now.

Following the latest damning Zimbabwe Situational Report, by the Independent United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Dr Hilal Elver.  The ZANU PF regime should be truly ashamed as the report into the prevailing food situation in Zimbabwe was honest and true. People have not just been impoverished, they are at risk of man made starvation and millions could die. Zimbabwe's well reported lack of Electricity for 24 hours at a time, lack of Healthcare which is a basic Human Right, is not being provided by the Zimbabwe Government and for many when including the lack of clean water, the situation on the ground is not just dire, it is profoundly desperate.

Adding insult to injury, and virtually rubbing salt into fresh wounds, as if the above was not enough.  As noted and again highlighted with concern by another Independent UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful Assembly and of association, by Mr Clément Nyaletsossi Voule ,a ban on all protests held by MDC (Movement for Democratic Change the official opposition) and other civic organisations which are systematically and violently crushed all over Zimbabwe, by the heavily armed ZRP (Zimbabwe Republic Police).  Acting as proxies (or Dogs) of ZANU PF (Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front) (Whom to many are illegitimately ruling Zimbabwe), ZHRO members on this day, all had one aim in mind. "To Protest and think of other possible, peaceful Civil Disobedience acts, that could be taken up in the future."

On this day, the return of Rashiwe Bayisayi, jeered up all those gathered to really make noise.  Towards the end of the vigil, she played the drums and lead the song Rovai Madhemo (Hit the streets).  It was sung with so much passion, those gathered felt that this could be used as a rallying call to encourage Zimbabweans all over the world, to be strong, to be brave, courageous and demonstrate against the Junta, through peaceful means such as protesting.

Zimbabweans all over the world are now suffering because of the situation in Zimbabwe.  No one with a heart would refuse to hear the cries of their kith and kin. Hunger caused mostly by the rampant corruption which even the IMF has covered as published the U.K. FT news paper, has brought Zimbabwe to its knees.  People now feel they have suffered enough and there is the need to react to show the Junta, the masses are angry. More will come in the ZHRO Vigil Protests, however is you would like to join, come and join us at the Protest Vigil.

A huge thank you goes to all who attended.  A special thank you to John Burke and Rashiwe Bayisayi who travelled all the way from the South of England with the drums banners and other equipment for the planned vigil.  A special thank you too to Barbra Ncube who was handing out flyers, to who was taking most of the photos, to Tinotenda Chihope, Molly Ngavaimbe and Rashiwe Bayisayi who led the singing and again to Rashiwe Bayisayi for playing the drum so well.

Those who attended as per the register were, Panashe Muyeye, Winnie Mabuzane, Marlene Mtendagai, Rangarirai Chivaviro, Thabo Makuyana, Tinotenda Chihope, Clinton Siniwa, Phillip J Mahlahla, Barbra Ncube, Zenzo Siziba, Elector Zvorwadza, Flemming Diza, Molly Ngavaimbe, Sibongile Bvungidzire, Alfredy Mukuvare, Tapiwa Muskwe, Nehemiah Musonza, Tryness Ncube.

If you would like to find out more about ZHRO, join and participate in ZHRO events please contact 

By ZHRO Team

Sunday, 15 December 2019

ZHRO Division of Labour

Two different organizations

On examination of a small but big topic from Scotland, which started way back in the 18th Century, one has to be in awe of, "The Division of Labour."  What is ZANU PF good at?

Adam Smith, who is known as the Grandfather of Economics, coined this term, "The Division of Labour."  This term is still true today.  If you look at car plants, car washes, well oiled political parties, protest movements, huge car dealerships, most manufacturers, the oil and gas sectors and the Labour market its self.  This term is in use all the time, sometimes knowingly and other times, unknowingly.

The division of Labour is the splitting of tasks by workers or by management to try and achieve greater, "mass production" by specialisation. This was used by Henry Ford, in the first mass production of vehicles in the USA and is still in use today by Ford, but in an extremely sophisticated and gigantic way.

Strangely enough, no matter which city in the world you are in, there is a car wash that uses, the division of Labour principle.  We too in ZHRO, have intentionally and unintentionally used the division of Labour Principle.

There is the ZHRO Leadership, Marketing team, flyers team, drummers, banners team and those that look after the table when we are at the Vigil, researchers, etc.  Even in the different teams, there are further specialisations.  Some specialize on Facebook, others Twitter, or on Blogs, and others such as Tapiwa Muskwe who has been the keeper of the main ZHRO banner and placards  when the Bayaisayi sisters were off.

One person alone trying to do everything that is done in the name of ZHRO, for ZHRO is literally impossible.  It would take too long and wouldn't be as good.

I would thus like to thank all ZHRO members and the ZHRO leadership for being better than those in the 18th Century, by putting this simple term into practice.  You are experts in, "The Division of Labour."  

This is in stark contrast to ZANU PF.  It seems, the division of Labour concept, has been thrown out of the window.  They (ZANU PF) want to own everything, run everything, do everything and expect everything to just be great, without actually putting much thought into anything, including, the simple concept of, "The division of Labour."  No wonder the country is actually going to the dogs.  

They (ZANU PF) seem to be the best at harassing, torturing, raping, kidnapping, summery executing, killing, looting and impoverishing Zimbabwe.  So, maybe ZANU PF does use the "Division of Labour" for something.

By Thabo Makuyana

Monday, 9 December 2019

4 December 2019 Song, Led by Thulani Nyemba

ZHRO, led by Thulani Nyemba
On 04 December 2019.

Normally shy, we were all surprised to hear the pipes ringing out of Thulani Nyemba on this day as she led this song.

Sunday, 8 December 2019

ZHRO Vigil 4 December 2019

Zimbabwe needs Real Leadership, 
Food and Healthcare
not new Street names.
Group Photo 4 December 2019 by Phillip Mahlahla

Members of ZHRO (Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation) met on the 4th of December 2019, for a pre-planned vigil protest against the Zimbabwean ruling Juntas handling of the healthcare crises.  For most, the ruling Junta seems to be reluctant to solve, the prevailing desperate healthcare situation and give the Doctors the ability to treat the nations ill and injured.

With Zimbabwean Doctors having earlier in the day handed over a petition to the Parliament of Zimbabwe, their refusal to return to work, was for most was regrettable but understandable.
Instead of solving the current impasse and trying to stop what the Doctors have called a "silent genocide," the ruling party ZANU PF, with the return of hard man, former General now Vice President of Zimbabwe.  It seems they (the Junta) have gone into overdrive with rumours circulating of the renaming of several streets after Dictators and the National Heroes Acre  after the Vice President. 

All the while, people are dying in the Silent Genocide.  Those who are Zimbabwean and have seen this coming are slightly less surprised.  They are aware just like the ruling Junta that, there actually isn't much they (the people) can do.  The ruling party has the army, police, the courts and the security services in their pockets.  Thus, the likely result in such a situation is a lack of Executive checks and balances, more corruption and even more miss management of the economy. 

The only thing that is left, is for those who are ZANU PF to be able to have the right to travel at the front of the bus and all the rest, to travel at the back of the same bus, for the world to actually take greater notice and decide to actually act and do something to help Zimbabweans.  The blatant impoverishment and killing of Zimbabweans has not seemed to have moved them yet.

The highlight of the week was the USA calling out the Zimbabwean Government, for allegedly underreporting the amount of aid it received from the US Government in 2018-2019 fiscal year.  This is coupled with the same from China.

Most of the above was discussed by members of ZHRO in small chat before the vigil started.  Once the vigil had started, leading the singing was shared by Sindile Ncube, Thulani Nyemba, Tryness Ncube and Vuka Vuka who are thanked very much for their very welcome contributions.  The drum was played by Ebson Chigwedere and Orivasi Madondo was at the front handing out flyers, they too are thanked very much.  

A huge thank you goes to all who attended.  Without you, this day would not have happened and would not have been the same.  Thank you also to John Burke for traveling all the way from the south of England with the equipment and banners.  Thank you to Ebson Chigwedere for playing the drum so well.

Those who attended as per the register are Sindile Ncube, Ebson Chigwedere, Rangarirai Chivaviro, Thulani Nyemba, Alfredy Mukuvare, Tryness Ncube, Phillip J Mahlahla, Thabo Makuyana, John Burke, Charity Ndebele, Nehemiah Musonza, Orivasi Madondo and Vuka Vuka.

By Thabo Makuyana

Look out for one of the songs that was led by Thulani Nyemba.  It will be on the ZHRO platforms tomorrow, Monday 9 December 2019.

Friday, 6 December 2019

Open Letter to the President of Zimbabwe

It is now two years since November 2017 when you and your allies deposed your former leader, the late Robert Mugabe. In the aftermath of the coup you made a lot of promises to Zimbabweans.
Being a Zimbabwean myself, the events were of concern to me given that it is the nationality that I was gifted at birth.
I remember the song "Kutonga kwaro Gamba" being blared in the streets as my kinsmen marched in the streets. The euphoria infected men and women, black and white, MDC and ZANU PF alike.
You asked the citizens to give you a chance. You promised reforms, political and economic. I remember you chanting the phrase "… jobs jobs and jobs…" in your speech at the ZANU-PF headquarters.
Two years have passed by and you're still giving speeches. Nothing has changed, except that life has become harder for Zimbabweans. The majority of Zimbabweans are now far worse off from what they were before the coup. Your Transitional Stabilisation Program (TSP) has created poverty for the man on the streets and prosperity exclusively for the ZANU-PF elites.
Mr Mnangagwa, I am a concerned citizen and I read your recent article published by CNBC on the 17th of November 2019. That you acceded that too many Zimbabweans are suffering is the only truthful statement I can attest to from your Op-Ed. The rest I cannot agree with you. My conscience does not allow me when I think of how much suffering you have inflicted upon Zimbabweans.
You claimed that you gave people their voices back. Frankly, the only people that got their voice back are the ZANU-PF Lacoste faction. The rest of Zimbabweans have no say in national matters. Why are all demonstrations against the government being blocked by the police? How is prohibition of constitutional rights to assemble and restriction of freedoms to expression granting people their voices?
As you are well aware Mr Mnangagwa, in our traditional African way it is uncalled for to call one's elder a liar.
Unfortunately today I am in that position that I must forsake the traps of our traditional way of doing things. In your Op-Ed you lied when you stated that criticism of the government president is no longer taboo. Why are Zimbabweans being stopped from voicing their dissent with your government? Why are civic and political activists being intimidated, harassed and tortured by state security?
Your claim that criticism of the government is no longer taboo is negated by the avalanche of people that have lost their lives at the hands of your government for protesting.
Many unfortunate incidents have been recorded since your premiership in August 2018. This happened again in January 2019; August 2019 and November 2019.
The cosmetic changes to draconian laws are an insult to Zimbabweans as nothing has been changed by the MOPO (Maintenance of Peace and Order) bill. Until we have genuine political reforms, we shall continue facing the pain and misery of a rogue state.
The lack of independent state institutions is evidence to your lack of commitment to be different from your predecessor.
The propaganda of blaming sanctions for the misery Zimbabweans are facing is falling on deaf ears.
What will it take for you to realise that empty propaganda cannot substitute genuine political and economic reforms? You need to actively resolve the corruption, incompetence, nepotism and human rights abuses happening on your watch.
Words and speeches are just empty and will not turn the country’s fortunes.
Your call to other nations is also falling on deaf ears. The spin mercenaries you have paid have not delivered. The western governments you desperately wanted to gaslight have seen through the charade.
The world has seen you for the charlatan that you are. How embarrassing that even your "all weather friends from the East" called out your Finance Minister for gross misstatement on his budget presentation.
That incident is an omen for you.
The writing is on the wall.
Remember the fate of Hector who failed to heed the good advice of Polydamas in Greek mythology.
Today, I write this open letter to you with the hope that perhaps you may reconsider your ways. Revisit the speech you gave outside the ZANU-PF headquarters on the eve of your first inauguration. Those words still ring in our ears. The promises you gave, the support you asked from us. Many believed in you and many gave you a chance. Is this how you repay their confidence?
The voice of the people spoke on 31 July 2018. The same voice is still speaking and it is growing louder by the day.
Ignore it at your peril.
Yours sincerely
Tinotenda Chihope
UK-based human rights activist

Source News 24


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Members of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation (ZHRO) met on Wednesday 15th September 2021 at the Zimbabwe Embassy in London to protest t...