ZHRO Wednesday Vigil 19 February 2020.
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ZHRO 19 Feb 2020 Photo by Phillip Mahlahla |
Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation (ZHRO) members, met on the 19th of February 2020, at 429 The Strand, London, United Kingdom (UK). They met for a pre-planned, peaceful vigil protest in solidarity with long suffering Zimbabweans all over the world. They were united firstly against, the continued lack of Economic and Cultural Rights and secondly, the perpetual Committing of Human Rights Abuses by ZANU PF and its proxies against the people of Zimbabwe. Towards the end of the vigil, there was some agitation and intimidation by one who seemed to be a dunce Ignoramus interloper, that most assumed to be a Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) of Zimbabwe operative gathering evidence.
The vigil started with small talk. Those gathered then sung Zimbabwean church songs be-fitting the vigil. After the Church songs, the Prayer was said this week by Stella Mandiranga.
They then went on to sing the usual protest songs, that are anti ZANU PF. As it was raining and dreich, the Vigil was held, well within the confines of the tent. Some of the vigil attendees were also well aware that the 20th of February was going to be World Social Justice Day. The lack of any Social Justice in Zimbabwe turned the mood somber.
This week as in weeks prior, Zimbabweans were indeed blighted by the blood stained hands of the Satanic ZANU PF and their cruel and evil, proxies. Below are just some of the events that are extremely concerning in Zimbabwe.
On the 5th of February, reports surfaced that MDC member and Human Rights Activist, Makomborero Haruzivishe was unfortunately in the crosshairs of the idiotic Junta regime. On the 7th of February he had been released on bail, but not acquitted, thus the continued state sponsored, institutionalised persecution of MDC members clearly just one of the reasons why ZHRO meet weekly for the Vigil.
Reports arrived that on the 17 February 2020 The brave teacher from Njube in Bulawayo, who taught his students their constitutional rights by practically exercising their freedom of Expression, seemingly reached out whilst on the run. Unfortunately he had to flee just after the end of the demonstration due to the sever Suppression of the right to freedom of expression by the Junta in Zimbabwe. He spoke out from Namibia, whilst on the run from Zimbabwean security authorities.
On the same day, Fadzai Mahere, Human Rights lawyer and MDC Executive sent out a tweet saying, "we will overthrow Mnangagwa before 2023." This is definitely going to enrage the Junta who have skin that seems to be thinner than air and do not understand what the right to freedom of expression is right and not a privilege. Hence their curtailing of this right is one of the things that is leading to them being on the ZIDERA sanctions list.
Reports were also made on the 17 of February 2020 that Masvingo MDC residents were arrested after skirmishes at Sikhalas trial. All of those arrested are MDC members. The reports were made by Kubatana.net and Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights.
On the 18th of February 2020, extremely concerning reports surfaced that suspected Mashurugwi (Machete wielding (paramilitary) gangs ) threatened Hospital Staff in Kwekwe.
On the following day on Wednesday 19 February 2020 MDC Youths in Zimbabwe announced that they are starting the Revolution, with the clear intention of bringing down ZANU PF and Emerson Mnangagwa.
In other News
On the 20th February 2020, the theme of rebellion continued with Allan Wilson boys and some female Teachers Arrested. This was reported by the, Human Rights Lawyers Statement On The Arrest Of School Children, Mutoko Women & Haruzivishe
The week ended with a message from Job Wiwa Sikhala where he revealed that he is in trouble with Zimbabwe State Intelligence. He advised that his life is in danger as they are following him.
A seemingly dunce ignoramus, apparent CIO operative, who interloped on the ZHRO vigil, will need to watch himself as he is very far away from home whilst he is in the UK. The UK is one of the most surveilled countries in the world. ZHRO has thus, used his seemingly Inebriated Exuberance, to more than make him infamous for eternity as he was recorded, trying to intimidate people holding a peaceful protest.
A huge thank you to Phillip Mahlahla, John Burke and Alfredy Mukuvare who arrived early to help to set up. Many thanks to Phillip Mahlahla who played the drums, Thabo Makuyana and Collen Mupazviriho who tried to play the drums. Thank you to Marlene Mtandagai and Molly Ngavaimbe who led most of the singing and to Phillip Mahlahla for taking the photos. Thank you to John Burke who drove all the way from the South of England with the drums, tent and banners that also help to make the atmosphere during the peaceful vigil protest and on that day, kept us all dry. A huge thank you also goes to all who attended as without you, the vigil would not be the same.
To find out more or to join ZHRO please do not hesitate to call
Phillip Mahlahla 074 5282 8229
Ebson Chigwedere 074 4923 5660
Kingstone Jambawo 079 0486 1774
Thabo Makuyana 079 4459 0970
Ebson Chigwedere 074 4923 5660
Kingstone Jambawo 079 0486 1774
Thabo Makuyana 079 4459 0970
Those who attended as per the register were, Molly Ngavaimbe, Collen Mupazviriho, Alfredy Mukuvare, Phillip J. Mahlahla, Thabo Makuyana, Flemming Diza, Orivasi Madondo, Stella Mandiranga, Marlene Mtandagai, Panashe Muyeye, Plaxidia Mugonde, Reuben G Waretsa, John Burke.
For the Latest Vigil Pictures check:
Events and Notices
Next ZHRO London Vigil will be on Wednesday 26th February starting 11am at 429 the Strand London WC2R 0JR.
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Wednesday Vigil Blog
By Thabo Makuyana