ZHRO Builds consensus and celebrates Zimbabweans giving ZANU PF a bloody nose.👊👃
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By Sarah Bayisayi, on 30 October 2019, Group Photo |
On Wednesday, 30th October 2019, ZHRO held a lively peaceful planned Vigil protest at the Zimbabwe Embassy in London, at 429 The Strand. The planned consensus building process also went well and the Defeat of ZANU PF and SADC, was clear for all to see in the media, which could not have been done without the help of those who are in the or represent the international community.
The vigil was started with a prayer in Ndebele that was eloquently said by Sibongile Bvungidzire. It was very poinient as the peoples who have been hit the hardest since 1980 in terms of the Genocide that was covered up and swept under the carpet by the BBC and the west is the Ndebele who were massacred during the Gukurahundi Genocide.
Those gathered then started singing the usual vigil songs. Initially they took it in turns to lead the singing. Sarah Bayisayi then took over for the rest of the vigil. The singing then got louder when they sung Ndaneta NeZANU (I'm tired of ZANU) and Sorry MARUZA (Sorry you have lost).
The reason for singing these songs was to firstly highlight the fact that almost all Zimbabweans are tired of ZANU PF and secondly that ZANU PF has lost the false narrative they were trying to give. This is in terms of the sanctions which are on individuals and entities in Zimbabwe, said to have been involved in human rights abuses. The second song was sung even louder than the first, as most of those gathered had been involved, some more than others, in the background research and discussions which led up to the planned march to the Tanzanian High Commission the Friday before and instead of Sanctions on individuals being eased, they were actually increased, with an extra sanction on a Senior ZANU PF official.
After the vigil, Mr John Burke introduced the new members to the ZHRO team, Winnie Mabuzane and Precious Kandare. They exchanged details and were all involved in the consensus building discussions in relation to which direction ZHRO will be taking for the coming week or weeks. This shows clearly that the true power of ZHRO lies directly with the membership. The leadership assists to drive the organisation in the direction in which the ordinary members prefer, with a clear emphasis on Human Rights.
ZHRO would like to publicly thank all those that worked hard to nullify the rhetoric from ZANU PF's Lying media Machine. We did not contact you, to ask you for your help, you just did what you thought was best for the people of Zimbabwe and your help has been noted and is greatly appreciated.
As per the register those who attended the vigil are, Margret Chisadza Madamombe, John Burke, Sarah Bayisayi, Sibongile Bvungidzire, Salome Nkiwane, Charity Ndebele, Philllip Mahlahla, Alfredy Mukuvare, Thabo Makuyana, Ebson Chigwedere, Winnie Mabuzane and Precious Kandare.
By ZHRO Team
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